Keokuk Coin Club
The 728th meeting of the Keokuk Coin Club will be held on the evening of Thursday, November 21st, starting at 6:00 p.m., in the Lost Canvas
Studio, 711 Main Street, in Keokuk. Nearby parking on Main Street should be pretty easy to find by the time of our evening meeting. All club
members are urged to attend the meeting; visitors and guests are always welcome!
We will be following our usual order of business for this evening's meeting: for the first fifteen minutes or so we will be informally socializing,
with our more experienced members available to identify and estimate the value of coins, paper money, tokens, etc. This is also when
members can buy, sell or trade with other members. We will be called to order at roughly 6:15-6:20 with a short business meeting, which will be
followed by our usual brief show-and-tell program. You can be a part of this program by bringing in a coin, token, medal or piece of paper
money with a story to tell-and then passing it around while telling that story.
We have a theme for this month's program: World War II in numismatics. Yes, World War II had a dramatic effect on the coins, paper money,
tokens, medals, etc., used here in the U.S. and in other countries. Some WWII pieces are easily affordable, while others are really, really
expensive! We're asking you to bring something from your collection that need not be rare and expensive but that might have an interesting
story to go with it. And, as always, this is also an opportunity to bring in anything from your coin collection that you think has an interesting
story to go with it that you'd like to share.
And then we'll get started on our monthly auction. This month's auction should have something for everyone! If you are upgrading your
collection, or have some unwanted duplicates, or have changed the focus of your collecting interests, keep our monthly auctions in mind as a
convenient, low commission venue for disposing of numismatic material. We now have enough material for our auction in March, but your
auction grading committee is always eager to work a bit ahead over the long break until our meeting in March of 2025-and we most assuredly
will need more for our other 2025 meetings, so we are still happily taking consignments for any of our 2025 meetings, including the March
meeting, as we can easily shuffle some lots around.
The 728th meeting of the Keokuk Coin Club will be held on the evening of Thursday, November 21st, starting at 6:00 p.m., in the Lost Canvas
Studio, 711 Main Street, in Keokuk. Nearby parking on Main Street should be pretty easy to find by the time of our evening meeting. All club
members are urged to attend the meeting; visitors and guests are always welcome!
We will be following our usual order of business for this evening's meeting: for the first fifteen minutes or so we will be informally socializing,
with our more experienced members available to identify and estimate the value of coins, paper money, tokens, etc. This is also when
members can buy, sell or trade with other members. We will be called to order at roughly 6:15-6:20 with a short business meeting, which will be
followed by our usual brief show-and-tell program. You can be a part of this program by bringing in a coin, token, medal or piece of paper
money with a story to tell-and then passing it around while telling that story.
We have a theme for this month's program: World War II in numismatics. Yes, World War II had a dramatic effect on the coins, paper money,
tokens, medals, etc., used here in the U.S. and in other countries. Some WWII pieces are easily affordable, while others are really, really
expensive! We're asking you to bring something from your collection that need not be rare and expensive but that might have an interesting
story to go with it. And, as always, this is also an opportunity to bring in anything from your coin collection that you think has an interesting
story to go with it that you'd like to share.
And then we'll get started on our monthly auction. This month's auction should have something for everyone! If you are upgrading your
collection, or have some unwanted duplicates, or have changed the focus of your collecting interests, keep our monthly auctions in mind as a
convenient, low commission venue for disposing of numismatic material. We now have enough material for our auction in March, but your
auction grading committee is always eager to work a bit ahead over the long break until our meeting in March of 2025-and we most assuredly
will need more for our other 2025 meetings, so we are still happily taking consignments for any of our 2025 meetings, including the March
meeting, as we can easily shuffle some lots around.